汉娜萨奥尔 in Almost, Maine
汉娜萨奥尔 in Almost, Maine

Stepping into the Spotlight

汉娜  萨奥尔

Class of 2020 • Little Silver, NJ
2019年11月16日,一群人聚集在陶斯剧院,期待一场精彩的体验 他再也没有出现过——一个半小时以后,屋子里的人都哭了. 劳伦·冈德森的《九州娱乐官网》是汉娜·绍尔的高级导演论文 关于我们如何与他人联系的迷人、智慧和深思熟虑的作品 and the legacy we leave behind.


“这部剧的结局在某种程度上是悲剧的,但也有一些美好的东西从中产生 它反映了现实生活:没有坏日子就没有好日子. I 我想让人们知道,关注好的事情,庆祝好的事情是可以的 你有. 我想让人们在离开剧院时意识到好事正在发生 and it's okay to be happy about them. I want people to recognize how special all their 自己的生活. I think that's something we forget. I want people to take from the show a sense of hopefulness and a celebration of life. I want the show to be a celebration. I’m happy that we get to end the semester with a celebration.” 

我与你 主角是因病在家的高中生卡洛琳和安东尼, 带着关于沃尔特·惠特曼的紧急英语作业闯进卡罗琳的卧室 草叶. 

汉娜的旅程,她的SCE闭幕之夜是一个漫长的,开始了她的大一 year in Acting I with Lecturer of Drama, Polly Sommerfeld. 

“为了满足我的美术要求,我上了一门表演入门课,我很喜欢 it. 当我意识到我不想学习政治学时,我意识到我可能想要 学习戏剧. Polly is the reason I looked into studying theatre in the first place; to have Polly in class giving me compliments on my work was crazy because I didn’t think I’d be 擅长于此. She encouraged me to audition for Drama Draft and funnily enough I got cast! Now I’m getting my degree in theatre, and Polly is the 我在这里的原因.”

汉娜在九州娱乐官网期间建立的人际关系 建立了一个支持系统,汉娜认为这改变了她的生活. 

“I was very quiet and kept to myself when I arrived at WC. I didn’t want anyone to see me or notice me; I wanted to blend into the background. It’s very easy to try new things here and I tried to take advantage of that. I leaned into new experiences 有人支持我,告诉我,即使我可能没有经验 in this field, I’m doing a good job. That helped a lot in my confidence; I’ve learned to have confidence in my work and what I’m doing. I’ve really seen that in my thesis process and that’s exciting. I’m more okay with being seen. It may seem small, but it’s the biggest difference in how I 行为 and how I feel.” 

汉娜相信每一位戏剧教授都促使她更多地了解自己 through the trust and freedom they offer students working on productions. 

“当我们在拍一部剧的时候,我们有很大的权力和代理权来决定我们要做什么 当我们选择论文时,它帮助我们准备好弄清楚我们想要做什么 with our lives post-graduation. The department allows students to be hands on every 一步一步. It makes it so much more fulfilling when it’s done. 我们是如此幸运 to have that opportunity.” 

“The professors want to see us succeed, they’re like, ‘go do it!,他们支持 不管是什么,但他们也给了我们自己学习的空间. 有多少 they trust us—it's mutual. We trust them to tell us if we aren’t doing well. 我知道 I can go to them at any time; their doors are always open. They’ve helped me learn to trust myself and my ability to do things. Where I was freshman year versus where I am now, they’re all a part of that.”

汉娜 began preparing to direct 我与你 那是她大三的时候,但那是在她和每个戏剧教授长时间交谈之后. 戏剧专业的学生提出他们想要制作的戏剧和他们想要的学科 to showcase for their SCE fall semester of their junior year. 

“当我们在策划节目时,教授们对所有即将升入高年级的学生说‘你们’ pick our whole season,’ and that doesn’t happen at other schools. The professors don’t 想要你限制自己,他们会在需要的时候限制你——纯粹是在后勤方面 of being a small department – but they don’t want you to limit you. 这是一部非常成熟的电影 conversation which is really cool. They say, ‘prove to us why you should do this,’ 然后你做了.”

虽然汉娜相信,如果没有别人的支持,她不会有今天的成就, 我们很容易看到汉娜身上散发出的天赋和勤奋,并融入到每件事中 她做的.  汉娜 has performed in student and faculty productions adding skills such As:在同一部剧中扮演多个角色,扮演相反的角色 gender, and pantomiming to her repertoire. 

“站在舞台上,作为一个不习惯被关注的人,感觉很疯狂. 我会变得非常紧张,我会因为紧张而笑,我的嘴会变麻 and I couldn’t speak (which still sometimes happens),” she explains.  “These Shining Lives was the show where it really switched. I started the show with a monologue in a theater 那一刻我灵光一现:我想做这件事是有原因的, 有人给我这个角色是有原因的,我应该对自己有信心并做好 it. 那种对自己所做之事感到满足的感觉改变了我的整个人生观.” 

汉娜 played Catherine in These Shining Lives 由梅兰妮·马尼奇导演,瑞秋·特里格利亚,她在剧中扮演 lead, despite being ill with strep throat for both performances.

“我很幸运,能找到一个让我作为演员感到舒适的地方 我对自己挖掘角色工作的能力很满意,但我也很乐意接受 notes from my directors. I’ve had the opportunity to work with some very good directors 并向他们学习,并通过他们获得对自己表演能力的信心.” 

因为汉娜作为一名演员在戏剧系出名了,在 在她的SCE申请中,她不得不解释为什么她想当导演,而不是 行为.

“I took Directing I with Prof. Dale Daigle and I really liked it; I wanted to use 把我在整个部门积累的知识传授给其他人 use it to tell a story. I could have challenged myself as an 行为or, but I wanted to challenge myself in that way. I’ve held leadership positions before, but this one 更令人畏惧的是:承担整个演出,管理一群人, and being confident in my work—that affected everyone else’s work. 作为一名导演 have to have a 愿景, and everyone’s work has to work toward that 愿景. 我爱 directing, I’m really lucky. This has been the turning point for me in proving to myself that I can do things, and do them well.” 

当灯光亮起,演员们鞠躬时,“光辉者”的“嘿”一直在播放 陶斯剧院和 我与你, a senior directing thesis by 汉娜萨奥尔, received a standing ovation.

汉娜's Four Year Plan


最喜欢的课程Intro to Acting with Polly Sommerfeld

“Polly is the reason I looked into studying theater in the first place; to have Polly 在课堂上表扬我的作业真是太疯狂了,因为我没想到自己会这么做 擅长于此. She encouraged me to go out for Drama Draft, so I did and I was cast! Acting I led to me getting my degree in theatre.” 



“Almost, Maine was the first full-production play I was cast in; which was a completely new experience for me. It was a very collaborative process. I played three different 角色(Glory, Marvalyn和Rhonda)的定义和理解是一个挑战 每一个.”


九州娱乐官网Peer Mentor Leader

“作为一名同伴导师,我的自信心也得到了很大的帮助,我将这些分享给了新学生 why 我爱 the school, and help them through their transition into WC; which my peer 导师真的帮助了我,所以把它传递给其他学生是很好的.”



“导演将是我的挑战:负责整个节目 一群人,对我的工作充满信心,这影响了其他人的工作. 作为一名导演,你必须有一个愿景,每个人的工作都必须朝着这个目标努力 愿景.”